Friday, December 10, 2010

In 2020 we can wear SONY computers on our wrist

I was surfing the Internet when I came across this! It looks amazing... It's style is great, it looks easy to work with and convenient. It's bigger than a phone, but it's not hard to put it on your wrist like a bracelet.... Just... Just look how awesome it is! :D

Our present need for internet connectivity is so profound that secondary devices like the Nextep Computer are bound to happen. Developed to be worn as a bracelet, this computer concept is constructed out of a flexible OLED touchscreen. Earmarked for the year 2020, features like a holographic projector (for screen), pull-out extra keyboard panels and social networking compatibility, make the concept plausible. Ten years from now is not too far away, so how many of you think we’d be buying such gadgets?
Designer: Hiromi Kiriki
Well, guys, that was all for now! Follow this blog for more amuzing stuff and don't forget to support it by commenting and suggesting it to your friends! :) I also want to know what's your opinion about this... computer! :)

P.S.: As I saw, most of the visitors of this blog are from Bulgaria, so if it's easier for you, please, feel free to comment in Bulgarian! :) Thank you!

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