Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Innovative Outdoor Ads

Hello, everybody! I have an anouncement for you - "amusing-junk" now has facebook and twitter fan page! There you can follow the latest news and publications, too... You'll also be one of the first people to understand if there's a new publication! You can find links to the two pages on the right, right above the banner! :) That's all the news I have for you... for now.

I was surfing the internet before about 30 minutes and I came across a site with a collection of really innovative and creative outdore ads! Take a look at them by clicking on that link -
You won't regret it! :) I, personally, really enjoyed them... I thought it would be great if one day you're walking down the street and came across one of these ads, for example! Think about it...

However, that was all for now... It is already 1a.m. so I have to go to sleep because tomorrow I have to go to school and so on, and so on! Keep following the blog for more interesting links! :) And don't forget to click the links on the right... I really need your support! :)

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