Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Sad cube is sad

This is the second post in this blog! If you are reading this, you should know that I'm really thankful because at least one person is reading the stuff I'm posting here! Today one, tomorrow one hundred and one, for example! However, I'll stop with the tittle-tattle (at least just for now) and give you another funny sh*t I found not long ago in the Internet!

chrismckenzie.com This is a very odd site but it is really entertaining. I haven't seen anything like this untill now. Play with your cursor and then suddenly remove it from the screen... Look what happens, funny as hell, isn't it? The facial expression of the... pink thing (O.o) is really cute when it starts looking around for the cursor! Most of my friends liked it a lot! Click on the link and try it.... Leave a comment with your opinion about this... thing! =D

Oh, a thing I almost forgot is to congratulate the people playing World of Warcraft for the new expansion - Cataclysm! I wish you happy and easy leveling and a lot of luck! :) I'd also like to play in Blizzard original server but it is too expensive for me! However, to those of you who play in these servers, I wish you happy playing.... again!

That's all for now, follow my blog for more interesting posts! :) Have a nice day! :) And don't forget to comment and click on the banner on the right if you want to support me and my blog! :) 

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